Drive Time: Selecting a Fire Extinguisher for your Car
Irish Standard 291 which governs the selection, commissioning, installation, inspection and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers was revised in 2015. We outline the key requirements here:
Competent Person Inspection Frequency
- At least every 12 months
- More frequently where the environment, risks or other factors dictate so.
User Inspection
- At least every month (recorded in Fire Safety Register)
- More frequently where the environment, risks or other factors dictate so.
Test Discharge & Refilling Requirements
- All types of extinguishers (Foam, Water, CO2, Powder, Chemical) must be Test Discharged & Refilled every three years
- To this end, one third of each type should be selected during each annual inspection
- Loan units should be provided to the client to ensure no loss of cover while units are removed, until they are returned again
- Units selected for Test Discharge should be ideally used to provide training for personnel on site where practical
- Where there are less than three of any type of unit on site, one should be removed for TD & R
Pressure Testing Requirements
- All types of fire extinguisher should be considered under the European Pressure Equipment Directive
- This requires that all extinguishers undergo a Pressure Test and Refill, 10 years after manufacture and every 5 years subsequently
- Any units that are not practical or feasible to be Pressure Tested and Refilled, should be replaced at 10 years old
- This would include liquid-based units, like Water, Foam, Wet Chemical (pressure test would crack the internal lining) and Powder units (too labour-intensive / impractical)
Author: Larry Kirwan, Lead Trainer/Technical Sales, Guardian Fire & Safety
Got a question? Contact us today on 051 448389 or email
Copies of I.S. 291:2015 are available to purchase from National Standards Authority of Ireland at
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